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Saturday 13 August 2016

On the occasion of Independence day, I saw many owners of 2 wheeler, 3 wheeler and 4 wheeler vehicle had put the Indian Flag on their vehicle. The Scene was very appealing to every Indian and suddenly i saw a piece of Indian Flag was lying on the road and no one take care of that. I felt sad and pick the flag from the road. I just want to say one thing "Please don't ignore the Indian Flag lying on the ground as its a shame for all of us when someone crushed the flag." Do celebrate the day of Freedom with love and peace and help the poor who are selling the Indian Flag by buying the Flag from them.
Hope you guys loved the post and will surely try. We will come up with more post like this in Future. Till that Enjoy the Day of Freedom...."Happy Independence Day to All" .

Friday 12 August 2016

We Need Change Introduction

In India, We read many news that deeply heart us. And in response to that we generally blaim those who are engaged in the bad activities. But we never try to find the reason why all this happening in India. The reason behind all those activities is the person one can see in the mirror in front of us. Yes this is true. We are the only reason behind all such happening as we focus on things that matter to us. We have the ability to control such incidents in India, the only thing we need is little awareness and a kind heart that always ready to help other.
We will come with some videos and more new posts in future. Stay tuned and do help others till that. Good bye